
The Most Unusually Looking Computer Desktops

I couldn't even fancy that cases for computer desktops could look like this. Frankly, I've liked most of all the one with the shapes of a car.
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type:jpg, atr:700,933, title:Очень необычные компьютерные корпуса (12 фото)
type:jpg, atr:700,525, title:Очень необычные компьютерные корпуса (12 фото)
type:jpg, atr:700,525, title:Очень необычные компьютерные корпуса (12 фото)
type:jpg, atr:700,933, title:Очень необычные компьютерные корпуса (12 фото)
type:jpg, atr:700,933, title:Очень необычные компьютерные корпуса (12 фото)
type:jpg, atr:700,525, title:Очень необычные компьютерные корпуса (12 фото)
type:jpg, atr:700,525, title:Очень необычные компьютерные корпуса (12 фото)
type:jpg, atr:700,525, title:Очень необычные компьютерные корпуса (12 фото)
type:jpg, atr:700,933, title:Очень необычные компьютерные корпуса (12 фото)
type:jpg, atr:700,525, title:Очень необычные компьютерные корпуса (12 фото)
type:jpg, atr:700,525, title:Очень необычные компьютерные корпуса (12 фото)


Free Norton Commander-like File Manager for MAC

Ever wanted to have a free Norton Commander-like file manager for your MAC? Now it's a reality. Just look at the screenshots below:

type:jpg, atr:800,583, title: muCommander - почти Total Commander на вашем МАКе !

Version: muCommander 0.8b2

type:jpg, atr:800,583, title: muCommander - почти Total Commander на вашем МАКе !

It's free and easy-to-use. Two panel interface is a very useful for operations with files. Download and enjoy. (Some people say it also works on Linux - but I can't guarantee)

Download Link


Rapidweaver: Create Web Sites in 5 Minutes (For Mac OS)

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Operating system: Mac OS 10.4 and above.

Realmac Software has released a new version of its product called Rapidweaver 3.5.1. It's a unique WYSIWYG web-designing tool for Mac OS X platform.

With the help of Rapidweaver you can create your own blog, picture album, a webpage with your contact information or a website. Rapidweaver has a user-friendly interface so that you don't need to learn programming languages or hav an advanced knowledge in web-design.

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Full integration with iPhoto will let you move to your site pictures from your photo albums with just one mouse-click. Improvements done in this version will let you create colorful slide-shows in the flash format.

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there is also a TV-broadcasting function built in the program.

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Multiple free and paid themes for Rapidweaver will help you create a professionally looking website with minimal efforts.

type:jpg, atr:869,808, title:Rapidweaver 3.5.1 – web-страничка за 5 минут

Source: the official website


Great Free Tool to Easily Work with Google Maps

Today I'm going to introduce you a new free tool which lets you easily and comfortably work with Google Maps. I foresee some scepticism ("we've seen thousands of such stuff", "there's google earth - what else do ya need?").
So let me object and name its main advantages:

1. The program is free and fully functional
2. It lets you merge large parts of images from Google Maps. So the main drawback of google Maps is eliminated - you don't need to save those partial images and concatenate it somehow using Photoshop or whatever.
3. A very exciting feature: create maps based on merged images from Google Maps for OziExplorer and other navigation/geomapping software to be used in GPS devices (PDA's etc)
4. Advanced settings for flexible usage of cache (no need to download images once again if you've already done it) - you save traffic.
5. Lets you schedule you connection so if cost of your internet-connection daytime-dependant you can also save money.

Well, I think this'll do to begin with. The program is called GoogleMV. It was developed by a Russian programmer Nikolay Serebrennikov.
Program interface is pretty comprehensive and user-friendly:

In program settings you can change the way you can navigate: for instance, using mouse wheel for zooming. You can alsos select source of images (cache, internet or both) and type of map (aerial, map, hybrid).

So it's very useful for making your custom large maps of certain areas and for creating GPS maps for Geo-locating software. It would be especially interesting for those wgo trave a lot and want to spend some money on gps maps.

Hope, you'll like it. Enjoy.

PS And, of course, the most important thing is where you can download this program: use this link.


How to save time, traffic and disk space with better music quality, for free

First, let me introduce this great free software thet lets you easily grab and encode music CD's to your computer in the format of your choice:

Audiograbber 1.83 Free

Audiograbber is a beautiful piece of software that grabs digital audio from cd's. It copies the audio digitally-not through the soundcard-which enables you to make perfect copies of the originals. It can even perform a test to see that the copies really are perfect.

Audiograbber can also automatically normalize the music, delete silence from the start and/or end of tracks, and send them to a variety or external MP3 encoders, such as Fraunhofers L3enc, or even use some MP3/WMA encoders internally for automatic creation of MP3's.

Audiograbber can download and upload disc info from freedb, an Internet compact disc database. You can even record your vinyl LP's or cassette tapes with Audiograbber and make wav's or MP3's of them.

There are a lot more functions in Audiograbber, but to put it simply: Audiograbber has the most features one can wish from such a program!
Size 1,6 Mb
Download Page

If you want to use a free mp3 encoder insted of paid codecs, then download
LAME MP3 DLL. (361 Kb, ver 3.95.1).
Unzip the lame_enc.dll and put in the same directory as Audiograbber and you will have an internal MP3 encoder with advanced functionalities.
The dll is also found at this mirror site. You can for example use Winzip to unzip the dll.

Now, the most exciting thing is closely related to what you've read in the title of this article: saving time, traffic and disk space with a better music quality: go to the program Settings -> MP3 settings and select the item shown on a screenshot below:

With the OGG Vorbis format you can get better quality of your digitally encoded music files compared to mp3's and you can save up to 5 times more disk spaces (that is, an .ogg file will be, let's say, 0,5 MB compared to the same quality 2,5 MB mp3 file).

If you have tons of music on your computer that is probably the best way to save disk space and time and traffic when uploading and downloading those music files.
